Te Ao Maarama means “the natural world - the world of light”. When an orator rises to speak on a marae, he will often announce himself by saying: Tihi mauriora (The breath, the energy of life) Ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama (To the dawnlight, to the world of light). The words refer to a world constantly emerging from darkness into light.
- Our name represents our whaanau as a family who are constantly moving into the “light”
- Working towards being the best we can be, for our community, our families and our school
- That our character, behaviour and actions show that we are consistently aiming to have a positive impact on those around us
- Everyone in our family has a positive contribution to make to our whaanau in terms of the academic, sports, social responsibilities etc of our whaanau
- Our name also means that as a family we look out for each other, support each other and ‘keep each other in line’; so that we are all in the same boat; heading in the same direction
- We respect our elders and care for our young
- Respect
- Aiming high
- Being the best
- Compassion
- Care
- Love
- Family