Fateh Singh Awarded $7000 scholarshlatip for Massey University and winner of fully paid trip to Brazil
Entrepreneurs in Action (EIA)
Upon selection by Young Enterprise, I had the privilege to be one of the top 80 YES students to attend a 3 day Entrepreneurs in Action programme in Wellington. This programme involved networking with fellow business students within teams of 8 to collaboratively work towards various tasks and challenges. I was the only Auckland students in Team Asia NZ, mentored by members of Asia NZ foundation.
Our first business challenge was to provide a solution for Genesis Energy, to give their customers a better energy saving experience through sustainable sources and easier interface to monitor, manage and control their usage. After presenting a five minute pitch, my team won the challenge complemented by a $3000 Massey University scholarship and Bluetooth speaker for each member.
The second business challenge was to create a farming product for an award winning agricultural company and a market entry strategy to introduce it to the Latin American market in collaboration with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. With the help of mentors, we were able to talk to deputy ambassador of Chile, ex CEO of leading agricultural firm and collectively create a electric fence operator called AGRISMART Energizer. After presenting an in-depth market entry strategy, we were awarded the best pitch. As our prize we received a fully paid for trip to Brazil for the entire team, additional $3000 for Massey University scholarship and also a $1000 for participation.
The overseas trips are part of a partnership between Young Enterprise and the Latin America Centre for Asia Pacific Excellence (CAPE). The Latin America CAPE’s innovative mobility programmes will teach young entrepreneurs about Latin American culture and business. I will get the opportunity to meet local entrepreneurs, including those involved in some of our trade relationships. Whilst also experiencing site visits to established companies and start-ups, and work with local students on thought- provoking business challenges.