Measles is a serious viral infection. People are usually quite unwell, and they may need to go to hospital.  Measles spreads very easily from person to person.

We have had a confirmed case of measles at Manurewa High School.  All students who have been in close contact with the affected student have been notified and their Whaanau have been emailed information.

Watch for signs of measles

It usually takes 10 to 14 days for someone who has caught measles to start showing symptoms.

If you child develops a high fever, runny nose, cough, sore red eyes, or a rash see a doctor (phone ahead to alert your doctor about the possibility of measles before visiting), let them know that  a student at school has been confirmed as having measles.

For more information about measles, contact Healthline or 0800 611 116 or visit   or phone the school Health Clinic 2690690 ext 205