John Ballantyne (1977-1989 – Board of Governors MHS, Life Member of MHS PTA)
John Ballantyne passed away suddenly in July 2017, aged 84. He was first introduced to MHS when his eldest daughter Fiona attended the school in 1975, followed a year later by his second daughter, Andrea.
John was passionate about giving his and other children the best possible start in life and in education. This in mind, he joined the MHS PTA in about 1976 the year after his wife, Joy, joined in 1975.
He was elected to the Board of Governors for MHS in 1977 and proudly served until 1989, some 10 years after Fiona had left MHS.
In the time John served on the Board, MHS doubled in size both in student enrolments and building construction. John saw the building of the canteen, the Pavilion, second gymnasium, ‘F’ and ‘G’ blocks, and the expansion of the Staff Room to name a few buildings.
John also served on the Committees that saw the appointment of Ken Thomson (Principal 1981-2002), Zane Kidd (Associate Principal 1981-1988) and Liz Dixon (Deputy Principal 1989-1994).
Once John stepped down from the Board of Governors, he then spent his time with MHS PTA and also on the NZPTA at a national level. He served a number of years as the President and Treasurer of the NZPTA, for which he was awarded a “Life Membership”.
John was passionate about road safety for students, namely Walking Bus and 40kmh Zones for Schools.
One of John’s proudest moments was when he received his “Life Membership” of MHS PTA.
Article in the Manukau Courier >>