Disability Connect are delighted to announce the Transition Expo (the progression from school to community life) will be held 8th August 2017 from 9am-2pm at Mt Eden War Memorial Road.  This stallholder event is free to attend and showcases the various providers involved in post schooling options for a school leaver with a disability (including Transition Co-ordinators, Vocational Programmes, Teritary Institutions and a raft of sport/leisure/recreation and information providers).

Please click here to view flier.

Transition Expo 2017

The progression from school to community life

Hosted by Disability Connect & Ministry of Social Development (MSD)

When: Tuesday 8th August 2017
Where: Mt. Eden War Memorial Hall, 489 Dominion Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland (map link below)
Time: 9.00am – 2.00pm

The Transition Expo features most Auckland Transition and Vocational Programme Providers as well as an array of leisure, recreation, sports and information providers.  Transition providers are contracted by the MSD to facilitate a smooth progression from school to community life for a young person with a disability who is ORS (Ongoing Resourcing Scheme) funded.  In their final years at school transition coordinators help the student with a disability, their family and education professionals from the school to decide upon an appropriate community placement for post-school life.  This is an important decision for any young person and requires planning and knowledge.

This Expo will feature a Transition Seminar in a separate presentation room at 9.30am and midday (1.5hr seminar will run twice) – issues covered will include

This Expo is suitable for all students aged between 14-21 years who are ORS funded, parents, family members, caregivers, education experts, careers advisors, school transition coordinators, teachers and all those involved in the care of a young adult with a disability.
Transition Providers, Vocational Service Providers and ‘leisure/recreation’ providers will each have a stall providing information, pamphlets, booklets, DVD’s and promotional material.  Representatives from each organisation will be available for advice including also Work and Income, Ministry of Education and Taikura Trust.  Although this Expo is aimed at ORS funded students, all students with a disability and those involved in the disability sector would benefit from information available on the day.

Please contact Disability Connect for futher information on phone (09) 636-0351 or email [email protected]

No need to RSVP - see you on Tuesday 8th August

Lisa Martin
Disability Connect
Parent & Family Resource Centre Inc. trading as Disability Connect
09 636 0351